Little late in posting this I guess, well a couple of days at least.
First week @ Brook Lapping done and dusted and it's going ok, having to get back in the habit of cold calling people again, but I think all's going well at the mo at least. Should have some of the review samples coming in next week so I can get them checked out and sent out to the relevant teachers etc.
Two downsides to the job, 1)longer commute, 4hrs a day now :/ 2)A god awful HP PC, which allegedly is a 2.8GHZ P4, although you wouldn't guess it as it would probably run quicker if it was switched off! Possibly something to do with the 248Mb RAM it has (according to control panel at least), how the hell do you get 248?! It's a P4 surely the sticks are at least 256!?Anyway because of the work/commute n stuff I've been stupidly busy and tired, which meand completing production on ITGA has slipped slightly (arse!), hopefully figure out the best plan of attack on that soon as I still need to try and blag a camera to shoot the few pickups so I can actually finish the thing! :(
I've also taken to trying to do the puzzles in whatever free paper I pick up on the train, namely sudoku or a crossword, needless to say I'm crap at both, but at least I feel like I'm stimulating my brain and helping to prevent the onset of
Anonymous said...
6:17 pm, September 28, 2006