Today's lesson -

You can't afford to um and ah about taking jobs, cos someone else will have it.

Why was I umming and ahhing (!?)? Well because there was a potential job for Mon-Wed next week, I was free Mon & Tues, but got plans on the Weds, so i said, I'd check about weds and get back within the hour.

Checked about Weds, stuff was still on but I decided that I should really take the job if it was offered as I'm still building initial contacts, phoned back, around half hour later and the job's been given to someone else. Damn.

Fair enough, I'm not kicking off about losing the job, shit happens, but at the same time I think being a little more ruthless with my decision making is in order, especially at this stage, which brings me to the next point, why is everything cropping up at once?!? At the same time how worried would I be if *nothing* was coming my way!!

Pownce it! Pownce it!


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